A Girl and Her Dog: Review of _Fetch, How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home,_ a Graphic Pet Memoir by Nicole Georges

First review for my new site below! And as promised, I’m also beginning to upload my archives from the Elkhart Truth. I was planning on starting with my most recent, from February 2016, but today’s news about Charlottesville prompted me to start in the middle of 2015 with John Lewis’s March: Book Two. Check out the archives links to the right if you’re interested.

A Girl and Her Dog: Fetch, How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home, a Graphic Pet Memoir by Nicole Georges

Nicole Georges and the cover of Fetch, from the Center for Cartoon Studies

Continue reading “A Girl and Her Dog: Review of _Fetch, How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home,_ a Graphic Pet Memoir by Nicole Georges”

Superheroes of the Civil Rights Movement: “March: Book Two” by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell

I was planning on posting my Elkhart Truth archives in a more orderly fashion, starting with the most recent, but in the wake of the news in Charlottesville this morning, this review clearly needs to be prioritized. Stay tuned for a review of March: Book Three.

Thanks to Better World Books, 215 S. Main St. in Goshen, for providing me with books to review. You can find all of these books at the store.

Scan of March: Book Two, cover

Continue reading “Superheroes of the Civil Rights Movement: “March: Book Two” by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell”

‘Calling Dr. Laura’: A Lost Father, Five Dogs and a Pet Chicken

Originally published on GoshenCommons.org January 6, 2014

“Nicole J. Georges: Friend to Creatures” reads the label on the home page of this week’s author/artist. Mainly a writer and illustrator, Georges is also for hire, according to her website, as a pet portraitist, punk aerobics instructor, advice columnist, and teacher of comics and self-publishing workshops, especially for young girls.

Here are some of her drawings and paintings:

cdl-juno-the-dog Continue reading “‘Calling Dr. Laura’: A Lost Father, Five Dogs and a Pet Chicken”